

Hey! I am Divye Kalra, a final-year undergraduate student from Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS) Pilani, Hyderabad Campus, India.

Currently, I am working at the IITB Trust Lab, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, as a visiting researcher under the guidance of Prof. Manoj Prabhakaran on a project involving the implementation of a COA-secure cryptographic primitive called CASE.

Broadly, my research interests include cryptography, cloud and hardware security.
In the past, I have worked in areas like secure multi-party computation with Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs), record linkage, and the design and implementation of stream ciphers and machine-learning based prediction algorithms under the guidance of Dr. Dali Kaafar, Dr. Manish Kumar and Dr. Ankur Bhattacharjee. Published work can be found here.